National Crisis Intervention Plus ( NCI+)

Below is the breakdown information for the  NCI Plus training: Prevention Level / Defensive Level/Restrictive Level. As NCI plus Instructors, we follow the policies that the overseeing agency maintains.


The Prevention course is designed for all people in any area of life. This course focuses on utilizing communication skills, tools to build positive therapeutic relationships and appropriate boundaries, the ability to identify escalating behaviors and skills to redirect those behaviors without needing physical redirection. *If applicable and agreed upon between your agency and Scales Training, NCI + Prevention Courses can be offered via Zoom, Google Meet, or other approved video conferencing applications.

*An NCI Plus Agency Agreement must be signed and on file before initial training, which will be provided during the onboarding session.

Additional Information will be required to receive NCI + Part B Defensive/Restrictive training.


Defensive Techniques allow the attacked staff to block attack attempts and move to a safer position. These techniques give the team the skills to protect themselves from standard punches and grab while not placing hands on the person in a restrictive manner. Often, using prevention skills and sound defensive skills can help staff de-escalate difficult or stressful situations before escalation to more dangerous levels can occur.


Restrictive techniques require the person being attacked to use their hands to gain release or secure the person attacking them. Restrictive Techniques are emergency techniques of last resort. They are to be used to ensure the safety of persons receiving support and the staff supporting them. These techniques should never be used as consequences or punishment. Restrictive techniques are only to ensure the person’s or others’ safety.

* A doctor’s note may be required for specific requests for restrictive training.

NCI+ Training Class Time Frames

NCI + Prevention*
Mandatory to take Initial Course
Prerequisite course to NCI+ Defensive & Restrictive
Yearly Re-certification

NCI + Defensive*
Up to 2 hour Initial Course
Yearly Re-certification

NCI + Restrictive*
Up to 2-3 hour Initial Course
Yearly Re-certification

*Duration of classes may vary. (NCI + Defensive & Restrictive)

*Hands on Training Courses (Defensive, Restrictive) will be conducted at your agencies facility or agreed upon location.

*If applicable and agreed upon between your agency and Scales Training; NCI + Prevention Courses can be offered via Zoom, Google Meet or any other approved video conferencing applications.